Join us this Lent for an online discussion of Richard Rohr’s book, Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation. Our 5-session Zoom reading and discussion group will take place on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8 pm beginning Feb. 23, co-led by Steve Knight and Fr. Beddingfield.
For our meeting on March 2, we are aiming to read to page 75. Here are some questions for review and reflection:
1. Richard Rohr discusses Aristotle’s distinction between “substance and “relationship” on pp. 44-5. How would you describe YOURSELF, in a few sentences, as substance? As relationship? (Answering the second question is likely to be more difficult.)
2. Rohr describes the practice of “mirroring” on pp. 50-53. How does mirroring work, both in terms of understanding the Trinity, and realizing the “perfect law of freedom” in James 1:25? Can you describe a moment when you have felt the mirroring process at work in YOURSELF?
3. Read John Donne’s Holy Sonnet #14 (“Batter my heart, three-person’d God”) on pp. 70-71 several times. What does the sonnet suggest about a Trinitarian relationship? Does it resonate with YOUR OWN experience of the Trinity? What connection is Rohr making in this section (pp. 70-73) between the Trinity and the explosive power of nuclear weapons?
Copies of the book may be purchased online and will be available in the back of the church (We appreciate a $10 contribution towards the cost of the book.)
Online only at (for the password, type the numerals for eighteen ninety-nine, two thousand nineteen. No comma or space.)