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The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

8:00 AM Simple Service
We celebrate a simple, spoken service of Holy Communion (no music), using the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II.

11:00 AM Choral Service
Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Stuart Hoke, reflecting on 12-Step Recovery Themes & Spirituality
Our worship includes prayer, scripture, song, sermon, and Holy Communion, (using the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II) The service includes music for choir, congregation, and organ.
The worship leaflet may be downloaded HERE.
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6:00 PM Evening Service
Includes Holy Communion and our worship aims for fresh language and imagery. The music is with guitar, percussion, and vocals.
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Earlier Event: October 12
12-Step Recovery & Spirituality
Later Event: October 17
Take this Bread: Meet Sara Miles