Join us this Lent for an online discussion of Richard Rohr’s book, Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation. For Thursday, March 16, we will be discussing Part 2, "Why the Trinity? Why Now?", pp. 121-181.
Questions for reflection and discussion are:
1. Richard Rohr suggests a way of praying in “Inside-Out Prayer” (151-54) and “Primal Prayer” (154-55) that may be new to you. How would you describe his prayer method, and how does it fit with the book’s larger themes?
2. Discuss the metaphor of the wave in “The Wildest Wave Alive” (167-68). How is it related to Rohr’s definition of a Christian as “one who is consciously drawing upon their Source”?
3. Choose a section from Part 2, “Why the Trinity? Why Now?” not mentioned in questions #1 and 2 above (there are 28 of them!) that you found either significant, or perplexing. Be prepared to lead our group in a close reading of its text.
Online only at (for the password, type the numerals for eighteen ninety-nine, two thousand nineteen. No comma or space.)