Join us this Lent for an online discussion of Richard Rohr’s book, Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation. Rohr explores such questions as
What does the Trinity mean to you?
How might it play a more meaningful role in your own faith journey?
Our 5-session Zoom reading and discussion group will take place on Thursday evenings from 7 to 8 pm, led by Steve Knight and Fr. Beddingfield.
For our discussion on March 9, please read pages 75 to 117 and consider the following questions:
1. Richard Rohr writes of the Trinity as “the ultimate paradigm shift” on pp. 79-82. (If you’re unfamiliar with the idea of paradigm shift, you may find this short video on Thomas Kuhn’s use of the term helpful: What paradigm shift does Rohr see is possible by fully living the Trinity? What other paradigms – sociological, scientific, ecological, etc. – do you see shifting in today’s world that may bring about changes in our spiritual faith and practices?
2. In “Is the Trinity a Boy or a Girl?” (pp. 94-5), Rohr suggests a gender-based model for understanding Trinitarian relationships. What role does he see for each gender? Do you agree with his gender breakdown? (and, if Yes or No, why?). How might this discussion of gender roles be related to his analysis of Trinitarian power in the following section, “The Power of Concentric Circles” (pp. 95-8)?
3. In what ways is our weekly online discussion group a Trinitarian experience? (A good place to start: Think of the three “elements” that constitute our gathering together.)
Copies of the book may be purchased online and will be available in the back of the church (We appreciate a $10 contribution towards the cost of the book.)
Online only at (for the password, type the numerals for eighteen ninety-nine, two thousand nineteen. No comma or space.)