Hybrid Meeting in Person and On Zoom
(for the password, type the numerals for eighteen ninety-nine, two thousand nineteen.
No comma or space.)
Download the Agenda HERE. (When available.)
Download the 2021 Annual Report HERE. (When available)
The Annual Meeting of the Church of the Holy Trinity will be held on Sunday, January 22, 2023, after the 11:00 AM worship service, at 12:30 PM. Because of the increase in COVID-19 infections in New York City, the meeting will be HYBRID, in person and online through Zoom. All parishioners are invited to attend.. The Annual Meeting features brief reports from parish leadership as well as the completion of voting for the 2023 Vestry Election. Ballots for vestry members and a vestry warden will be available one week before the meeting, as well.
Who Can Vote
According to the parish by-laws, all baptized parishioners of 18 years or older who have been in regular attendance at worship services at The Church of the Holy Trinity and are “contributors to its support for at least twelve months prior to an annual election” are eligible to vote.
VOTE HERE UNTIL 1:00 PM, January 23, 2023 (after voting opens)