Holy Trinity during the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Updated March 25, 2020

Our church is closed for public worship until further notice. Please look for us on Facebook Live for our Sunday worship services (11AM and 6PM). https://facebook.com/holytrinitynyc
Please join us through Zoom for prayer and worship. Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and most Meetings can be found at this link: https://zoom.us/j/8753617165
Inspirational videos by the Rector are being made several days a week and may be seen at Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user48334020
If you are sick or in any kind of need, please call the parish office and let us know. 212-289-4100, ext 201 (secretary), ext 204 (rector).

Holy Trinity Neighborhood Center (HTNC) Programs (to be evaluated on a daily and weekly basis)

The Saturday Community Dinner continues as long as possible, providing take-out dinners for our guests.

The Tuesday Senior Lunch is cancelled until further notice.
Our Men’s Men’s Shelter (operated through referrals from Main Chance Drop-In Center) has been suspended during the coronavirus pandemic.

Reach the Parish Office at 212-289-4100, extension 201. ebrent@holytrinity-nyc.org
Reach the Rector in the office at 212-289-4100, extension 204 or by cell at 917-828-6050. jfbeddingfield@holytrinity-nyc.org