The St. Francis Windows at All Souls Memorial Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. were the inspiration for a Doctor of Ministry thesis by John Beddingfield exploring connections between Franciscan theology and action.

Left panel, top to bottom:
Francis and the Turtle-doves
Francis and Brother Masseo at Prayer
Francis begs among the poor

Middle panel, top to bottom:
Francis distributes money to the poor
Francis kisses the leper
Francis receives the stigmata
Francis preaches among the people
Francis preaches among the birds

Right panel, top to bottom:
Clare and Agnes help Francis
Francis tames the wolf at Gubbio
Francis embraces Sister Death


Father Beddingfield's thesis, "Through a Glass Brightly: A Franciscan Way of Beauty into Action," can be read below:


Chapter 1: A Glass Darkly (description of the issue)

Chapter 2: The Glass Magnified (Theological, Social, and Behavioral Arguments)

Chapter 3: Engaging the Glass (Addressing the Problem, Results, and Evaluations)

Chapter 4: Opening the Windows Wider (Reflecting on the project more deeply)

Chapter 5: The Stained Glass as Prism (Moving forward)

Conclusion: The Glass as Monstrance

