Re-Commit to Spiritual Fitness in 2023

Shed unwanted weight of worry
Lose unsightly pounds of resentment
Build spiritual endurance
Strengthen prayer power

Unlimited offer includes inspirational and encouraging music, pastoral coaching, and a supportive community.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1

January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany, the day we remember the Three Kings Magi, who brought gifts to visit the newly born Christ Child. Join us this season after the Epiphany, as we commit to doing three new things for spiritual fitness in the month of January. Fill out a commitment card online or in person and receive a simple, special prize for Candlemas, the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple, February 2.

Pick any three things (or make up your own)

Attend a Wednesday night online yoga class with Liz Poole.
Attend a different Sunday service from your regular one.
Receive Holy Communion at least three times in January.
Memorize a prayer from the Book of Common Prayer.
Memorize a verse from a favorite hymn.
Volunteer once at an HTNC Saturday dinner or another volunteer occasion.
Make a specific intention to greet three people at church who you don't know.
Visit three other Episcopal Churches in the diocese and say a prayer in each.
Visit the worship spaces of three other religious faiths and say a prayer in each.
Give an anonymous gift to someone.
Make a special monetary donation to Holy Trinity.
Pick up litter on the streets on three different days.
Read three articles about climate change, refugees in New York City, or another issue.
Attend one Adult Christian Formation class on Sundays.
Go to a museum and notice three paintings with religious themes.
Research a composer of church music and listen to three songs or compositions by that person.
Take three walks, allowing your walking to be a physical prayer.
Read three Books of the Bible (you can  cheat for example by reading 1, 2, and 3 John
Commit to any three things that might strengthen your faith and growth in Christ.